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External Medicine

There are 68 patients who were diagnosed as cholelithiasis through type-B ultrasonic, among which, there are 10 cases of single calculi, 17 cases of multiple calculi, 41 cases of muddy stone, the maximum size of calculi is 1.7 cm. There are 42 cases with the symptoms of upper middle abdominal or upper right abdominal pain, among which 5 cases had jaundice, there exists 15 cases with the symptoms of abdominal distention, foul belching, acid regurgitation, 11 cases have no symptom. According to TCM differentiation, 48 cases are damp-heat, 3 cases are damp-cold, 17 cases are qi deficiency, 36 cases are blood stagnation combining with the above syndrome. Treatment method: Chai Hu, Huang Qin, Chen Pi, Fa Ban Xia, Hou Po, Cang Zhu, Dang Shen, Jin Qian Cao, Hai Jin Sha, Ji Nei Jin, Yu Jin, Chuan Lian Zi, Hu Zhang, Zhi Gan Cao. The patients with damp heat take the primary prescription; adding Gan Jiang, prepared Fu Zi (decoct first) for patients with damp-cold; adding Huang Qin, Sheng Ma if there is qi deficiency and damp blockage; adding Chuan Xiong, Chi Shao if there is blood stagnation; adding Qin Jiao, Bai Xian Pi if there is jaundice. Result: total effective rate is 83.8%.

Key words: Zi Ping Tang Combining with Wu Jin Tang, herbal treatment, Cholelithiasis

Writer: Yiwen Guo
No.1 medical department, TCM hospital, Hua Du district, Guangzhou city, Guangdong province (510800)


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