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Jin Kui

Consumptive disease: Decoction Xiao Jian Zhong Tang can be given for the following symptoms: Abdominal contraction, palpitation, epistaxis, abdominal pain, nocturnal emission, weakness and aching in the extremities, burning sensation on palms of hands and aching in the extremities, burning sensation on palms of hands and feet, parched mouth and throat.

Gui Zhi 9g
Bai Shao 18g
Da Zhao 12pic.
Gan Cao 6g
Shang Jiang 9g
Malt Sugar 1 Sheng

Stew the drugs in seven sheng of water until three sheng remain. Filter the decoction; add malt sugar and stew again over slow fire until malt sugar melts.

Remark: people who vomit frequently should not take the decoction.

Jian Zhong means "building up the interior spleen and stomach vital energy."  Gui Zhi tonifies the deficiency and weakness, harmonizes the nutrient essence with the vital resistance. A strong dose of Bai Shao is given to aid Gui Zhi treating the upper heat and lower cold. (Upper heat: epistaxis, burning sensation on palms of hands and feet, parched mouth and throat; lower cold: abdominal camping, nocturnal emission). Malt Sugar is the principal ingredient, since sweet tasting drugs have the function of tonifying the spleen.

Key Word: Xiao Jian Zhong Tang, prescription


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