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Facial Beauty in TCM
published on 11.07.2008, 20:53:27. Category: no category
The facial acupuncture has facial beauty effect from clinical practice. Needles stimulate face points, such as Juliao (ST3), Taiyang, Yintang, Cuanzhu (BL2), Quanliao (SI18), Dicang (ST4), Baihui (GV20) and Chengjiang (CV24), that will smooth local qi movement, or bring qi upward to our face. Following the energy work, moisture stays on face skin, garbage excretes and adequate nutrition supply comes. Then we will have luster, less wrinkle, less spots and natural healthy color on our face.

We also know that Chinese beauty secret formulas have been circulated in palace which helped royal family members for thousands of years. In fact, these remedies against to age are not always mysterious; they are in accordance with the basic principles of Chinese medicine and basic properties of herbs into the configuration.

The human body is a unified whole, if one meridian does not function well the whole body system will have some problem. If the body overall situation in general is poor, the maintenance of beauty appearance will not be easy. Therefore, the systemic plan of facial beauty will be the combination of acupuncture and some Chinese herbs.

Facial acupuncture uses a very small and fine one-time completion of sterile needles. The treatment process in the sense of pain is very minor. Facial acupuncture combines with some body acupuncture and Chinese herbs, detoxification, nourishment, clearing stasis and balancing, all of them work together to achieve our anti-age effect.

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