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Recognizing Cancer and Malignant Tumor through Yin and Yang
published on 16.06.2008, 11:33:37. Category: no category
By TCM standard yin-yang theory, we know that in general yin deficiency will cause yang deficiency. And if the patient’s yang deficiency isn’t corrected following this, the next stage is yin and yang both deficiency. This is absolutely right for many people.

But this may not fit for cancer and malignant tumor patients. What is cancer and malignant tumor in TCM diagnosis? Usually, in many views of practitioners, it has been considered to blood stasis and phlegm. I have a different opine through my personal clinical practice experience: cancer and malignant tumor is yin excess. It comes from yang deficiency. After the decreasing, the yang cannot function well as usual, cannot spread out yin, so the yin aggregation or accumulate then becomes yin excess-----cancer and malignant tumor will grow and come out. Therefore, the main treatment principle should be warm yang and dispel yin, instead of invigorate blood and remove phlegm.

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