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Shang Han Lun

Heat Patterns

Line 79
“When, after purging has been used in cold damage, there is heart vexation, and abdominal fullness, and fidgetiness whether lying or sitting, Zhi Zi Hou Po Tang governs.

Zhi Zi Hou Po Tang

Zhi Zi 14 pcs (Broken)
Hou Po 4 Liang (Remove Bark, Mix Fry)
Zhi Shi 4 pcs (Soaked in Water & Mix fried until Yellow)”

Line 80
“When in cold damage great purging is performed with a pill medicine, the generalized heat is not gone and there is mild vexation; therefore Zhi Zi Gan Jiang Tang governs.
Pill Medicine = Ba Dou (Hot Natured) or Gan Sui (Cold Natured)

Zhi Zi Gan Jiang Tang

Zhi Zi 14 pcs (Broken)
Gan Jiang 2 Liang.”

Key Words: Basic Tai Yang Disease, Heat Patterns



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