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Benefit Heart & Vassal

Ingredients: Huang Qi, Mai Dong, Ge Gen, Dan Shen, Hai Zao etc.

Indications: promoting qi, nourishing yin, softening hardness to resolving phlegm. It can be used for qi-yin deficiency, breast blockage due to phlegm-stasis complicated obstructing. The symptoms include heart pain, severe palpitation, pressure sensation in chest, shortness of breath, irritability, fatigue, deep-thread-wiry pulse or knotted-intermittent pulse, etc. We now often use it for coronary heart disease, angina.

Method and dosage: oral solution: 6 bottle per box, 10ml per bottle, 10-20ml each time, 2-3 time a day.

Attention: pregnant woman cannot use it. It should be taken after meals for person with acid regurgitation.


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