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Internal Medicine

106 cases of constipation due to wind stroke have been treated, all of whom are cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral thrombosis proved by CT. All the patients have motor dysfunction or sensory dysfunction in different degrees, dry stools, difficult defecation and prolonged defecation also. Run Chang San is composed of wine steamed Da Huang, Stir-fry Xing Ren, Tao Ren, Gan Cao and Dang Gui, etc. Da Huang is monarch drug, and the other four are adjuvant drugs. Crush the 5 drugs into fine power and bottle them in reserve. 4.0g for once (1.2g Da Haung in every 4.0g drugs), once a day, take it with warm boiled water. If no defecation 2 days after taking drugs, take one more time later that noon. Reduce the dose accordingly or take drugs once every 2-3 days when defection goes smoothly after taking the drugs. 15 days are considered as one course; take the drugs for 1-2 courses in general.

Results: in the 106 cases, 104 cases are markedly improved who are accounted for 98%, 1 case improved who is accounted for 1%and 1 case effective who accounted for 1%.

Key words: constipation due to wind stroke, Run Chang San

Writer: Dongzhe Li
Scalpel Acupuncture Specialist Clinics, Yanji, Jilin Province (133001)


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