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Shang Han Lun
There are only seven herbs in this prescription, they are matched and supplemented each other. The prescription has the function of coolness and warmness, elimination and reinforcement in combination, it can not only smooth the pivotal functional activities of Shaoyang but also regulate the ascending and descending of functional activities of qi, furthermore, it may disperse and communicate interior-exterior, move qi-blood, the prescription is a very good mediating recipe. The research result shows Xiao Chai Hu Tang has the functions of treating Shaoyang disease by mediation, communicating exterior-interior, strengthening the genuine and expelling evil, in a similar function as immunity regulating of modern medicine. Xiao Chai Hu Tang may abduct and restrain the activity of T-cell, can intensify the activity of accessorial T-cell, can abduct and produce γ-interferon. γ-interferon not only has functions of antivirus but also can reinforce the activity of nature killer cell (NK) and killer T-cell, destroy the liver cell which is infected by virus and expel the virus of hepatitis B. Moreover, the research also shows Xiao Chai Hu Tang is able to strengthen the cells' phagocytosis, has reinforcing function of regulating liver partial reactive cell to produce prostaglandin. Xiao Chai Hu Tang can bring the effect of endogenous-hormonal via promoting function to pituitary-adrenocortical axis, and has non-hormonal anti-inflammation function, the anti-inflammation ability may be reinforced with the combination with hormone, can resist the inhibitory action from hormone to adrenocortical function. It can also protect liver cell, improve and relieve arteriosclerosis, relieve thrombosis and has the function of anti-aging.

Based on the mechanism mentioned above, Xiao Chai Hu Tang can be used to not only diseases which Mr. Zhongjing introduced, but also heart pain, dizziness, deaf, insomnia, impotence etc which are caused by disorder of pivotal functional activities, the diseases are due to stasis of Yang qi, as well as upper respiratory tract infection, flu and fever, cough, bronchitis, asthma, malaria, tidal fever, pneumonia, allergic rhinitis, intercostal nerve pain, hepatitis, hepatocirrhosis, liver cancer, cholecystitis, gall-stone, all kinds of stomach-intestine diseases, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, allergic dermatosis. It can be used to central hypogeusia, falling sickness, rheumatoid arthritis, transudatory tympanitis, and allergic asthma, etc alergic reaction diseases. In the area of gynaecology, Xiao Chai Hu Tang can treat habitual abortion, gravid toxicosis, after-fevers, irregula menses, dysmenorrhea, menses stop, etc.

Key Words: clinical application, Xiao Chai Hu Tang

Writer:Hu Yu Qiang; Hubei Province Bulk Cement Car Transportation Company (430065)


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