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Shang Han Lun

Shaoyang Disease and Transmuted Patterns

Line 165
“When in cold damage there is fever and sweating that brings no resolution, hard glomus below the hear t, retching, vomiting, and Diarrhea, then Da Chai Hu Tang governs.”

Line 104
“Here, in cold damage the disease has not resolved in thirteen days, and there is fullness in the chest and rib-side, retching, late afternoon tidal fever, and shortly afterward mild diarrhea.  This was originally a Da Chai Hu Tang pattern in which purging should not cause diarrhea; yet now in the present case there is diarrhea, so one knows a pill medicine was used to purge, and this is not the appropriate treatment.  Tidal fever means excess.  It is appropriate to first take Xiao Chai Hu Tang in order to resolve the external aspect.  Afterward Chai Hu Jia Mang Xiao Tang governs.

Chai Hu Jia Mang Xiao Tang

Chai Hu2 Liang 16 Zhu
Huang Qin 1 Liang
Ren Shen 1 Liang
Gan Cao 1 Liang
Sheng Jiang 1 Liang (cut)
Ban Xia 20 Zhu (originally 5 pcs, washed)
Da Zao 4 pcs (broken)
Mang Xiao 2 Liang”

Key Words: Basic Shaoyang Disease Patterns, Shaoyang Disease and Transmuted Patterns


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