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Shang Han Lun

Line 394
“When after cold damage is cured, there is fever again, Xiao Chai Hu Tang governs.  If the pulse is floating, the promotion of sweating will resolve the disease and if the pulse is sunken and replete, purging will resolve the disease.”

Line 395
“When after a major illness Has been cured, there is water qi from the lumbus down, Mu Li Ze Xie San governs.

Mu Li Ze Xie San

Mu Li (dry fry)
Ze Xie
Shu Qi (wash with warm water to eliminate fishy smell)
Ting Li Zi (dry fry)
Shang Lu Gen (dry-fry)
Hai Zao (wash to eliminate salt)
Gua Lou Gen
Use equal parts of each ingredient.

Key Words: Yin Yang Exchange & Taxation Relapse


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