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Pericardium Meridian

Regional Anatomy:
Skin-subcutaneous tissue-palmar aponeurosis-between tendons of superficial and deep flexor muscle of fingers on raidal side-raidal side of second lumbrical muscle-first palmar interosseous muscle and decond dorsal interosseous muscle.
In the superficial layer, there are the palmar branches of the median nerve and the veins network of the palmar side. In the deep layer, there are the common palmar digital artery and the proper palmar digital nerve of the median erve.

Flex fingers to make a fist, press the transverse stria of the palm by with tips of the middle and the ring finger, between the 2nd and the 3rd metacarpal bones, close to the radial border of the 3rd metacarpal bone.
Restoring consciousness by clearing the heat, tranquilizing the mind, and improving the function of the stomach.

Apoplexy, coma, heliosis, angina pectoris, stomatitis, infantile convulsions, hysteria, psychosis, palmar hyperhidrosis, finger numbness, hypertension, dysphagia, anorexia, icterus, and gingivitis.

Combined use with ShuigouGV26 (Shuigou (GV26)) for treatment of hysteria; with FengchiGB20 (Fengchi (GB20)) for treatment of cerebral hemorrage; with ShaozeSI1 (Shaoze (SI1) Jing-Well Point), SanjianLI3 (Sanjian (LI3) Shu-Stream Point), and TaichongLR3 (Taichong (LR3) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source Point) for treatment of burning the mouth and aphthous stomatitis.

Insert the needle perpendicularly, 0.3-0.5 cun deep; needling response: local distension and pain; moxibustion: using 3-5 moxa-cones, or mild moxibustion for 5-10 min.


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