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Shang Han Lun

Xiao Chai Hu Tang Patterns

Line 101
“When in cold damage or wind strike, there are Xiao Chai Hu Tang signs, only one sign means that this is the pattern, they do not all have to be present.  Whenever a Xiao Chai Hu Tang disease pattern is treated by purging, if the Xiao Chai Hu Tang pattern has not cease, one can give Xiao Chai Hu Tang again.  There will be steaming and quivering, then fever and sweating again, by which the disease revolves.”

Line 229
“When in yang ming disease, there is tidal fever, sloppy stool, normal urination, and fullness in the chest and rib-side that will not go, give Xiao Chai Hu Tang.”

Line 230
“When in yang ming disease, there is hardness and fullness under the rib-side, inability to defecate, retching and white fur on the tongue, one can give Xiao Chai Hu Tang.  The upper burner will unblock, and liquid humor will be able to descend, ST qi will thereby become harmonious, and there will be generalized streaming sweat, bringing about resolution.”

Key Words: Basic Shaoyang Disease Patterns, Xiao Chai Hu Tang Patterns


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