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Regulate Blood
Ingredients: San Qi, Du Jiao Lian and so on.
Indications: stop bleeding, invigorate blood and remove stasis, detumescence and relieve pain, expel pus and drainage detoxification. It can be applied to the stab wounds, gunshot wounds, traumatic bleeding and bone-setters; hematemesis, hemorrhinia, hemoptysis; swelling canker; all gynecological hemorrhage; sore throat, chronic stomach pain, stomach and duodenal ulcer bleeding and so on.
Method and dosage: oral take, 0.25-0.5g each time, 4 times per day. If serious condition without weakness may appropriately increase the dosage, but each time must not exceed a maximum of 0.5g, once every 4 hours. If there is still no result, it can be used many times; 2-5 children can take the 1 / 4 amount of adult; 5-12 years old can take the 1 / 2 amount of adult. The “insurance seed” use: for first aid of severe injury case, bone-setting, gunshot wounds, with a liquor delivery, but it cannot be used for minor injuries and other illnesses.
Attention: pregnant women cannot use it. Do not eat horsebean, fish, cold and sour foods within one day after taking Yun Nan Bai Yao. Details please check with the instruction of Yun Nan Bai Yao.  Enclosed storage in a cool and dry place.


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