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Regulate Blood
Ingredients:  Pi Ma Cao, etc.
Indications: sedation analgesia. It can be apply to stab wound, injury pain, post-operative pain, toothache, menstrual pain and some late-stage cancer pain.
Method and dosage: oral take. 1 pill each time, 3 times per day, take with warm water. Or take 1 pill when pain happens, take again 4 hours later. 
Attention: This product may be toxic, should not serve more to prevent the poisoning. Pregnant women should not take this. Carefully use to cardiovascular patients. Do not take with digitalis at the same time, if wrongly overdose, nausea and vomiting, low blood pressure, slow heart rate etc may happen. Treating those symptoms, atropine injection and infusion can help. Airtight storage.


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