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Ingredients: Shu Di Huang, Lu Jiao Jiao, Bai Jie Zi, Rou Gui, Gan Cao, Pao Jiang.

Indications: warming yang, reinforcing blood, dispersing cold and moving stasis, relieving phlegm, activating collaterals. It can be used for tuberculosis of bone and joint, crane-knee arthritis, mortification, osteomyelitis of maxillary bone, suppurative osteomylitis, multiple scrofula etc that belong to deficiency cold syndrome, it is especially fit for kidney deficiency and yang qi deficiency. We now often use it for treatment of suppurative infection of bones and joints, buerger phlebitis, arteriosclerosis obliterans, chest wall tuberculosis, rib tuberculosis, axillary lymph tuberculosis, chronic osteomyelitis, galactophore cancer etc syndromes.

Method and dosage: small honey pill: 120g per bottle, oral taking, 3g per time, 2-3 times a day.

Attention: patient with carbuncle and ulcers that belong to yang syndrome and excess syndrome, yin deficiency with heat or coldness transferring to heat cannot take.


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