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Scalp Acupuncture

Liver and Gallbladder Area
Location: To extend the stomach area downward for 2 cm.
Function: Pain in the right upper abdomen due to disorders of the liver and gallbladder.

Thoracic Cavity Area
Location: To draw two 4 cm parallel lines between median line and the stomach area on both sides, with 2 cm above and 2 cm below the anterior hairline.
Function: allergic asthma, bronchitis, angina pectoris, rheumatic heart disease.

Reproductive Area
Location: To draw two 2 cm vertical lines, parallel from the frontal corner upward.
Function: Functional uterine bleeding.

Intestine Area
Location: To extend the reproductive area on both sides downward for 2 cm.
Function: Pain in the lower abdomen with certain effect.


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