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Scalp Acupuncture

Optic Area
Location: To draw two 4 cm parallel lines one centimetre beside the anterio-posterior median line, one on each side, from the level of external occipital tuberosity upward.
Function: Cortical impairment of vision and cataract.

Balance Area

Location: To draw two parallel lines, 4 cm long vertically and 3.5 cm beside the median line on both sides, from the level of external occipital tuberosity downward.
Function: disturbance of body balance due to injury of the cerebellum.


Stomach Area

Location: To draw two parallel vertical lines of 2 cm in length directly above the centre of pupils from the anterior hair border ( or 6 cm from the level of the midpoint between eyebrows ).
Function: Acute and chronic gastritis and pain due to peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum.


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