1. Spleen-stomach deficiency cold type: 81 cases, treatment method: “Wei Bi Kang†powder, 2 times per day, 5g each time, oral intake, one time at 7-9am and another time at 1-3pm, dissolving in honey water and taking, any kind of wine or alcohol are prohibited during treatment. 11 days are as one course. “ Wei Bi Kang†include Ling Zhi, Dang Gui, Chai Hu, Hai Piao Qiao, Zhe Bei Mu, Bai Ji, Gan Cao, Dan Shen, Yan Hu Suo, Pu Gong Ying, Da Huang, Er Cha. All the herbs should be grinded for preparation.
2. Kidney yin deficiency type: 81 cases, prescription: Mai Men Dong, Sheng Di Huang, Sha Shen, Gou Qi Zi, Chuan Lian Zi, Dang Gui, Bai Shao Yao, Gan Cao, Shan Yao, Nu Zhen Zi, Huang Jing. “Wei Bi Kang†should be taken synchronously.
3. Hyperactive liver-Qi attacking the stomach: 81 cases, prescription: Chai Hu, Bai Shao Yao, Zhi Ke, Gan Cao, Chuan Xiong, Xiang Fu, Chen Pi, Yu Jin, Ge Gen. “Wei Bi Kang†should be taken synchronously.
4. Qi and yin deficiency: 11 cases, prescription: Huang Qi, Gui Zhi, Bai Shao Yao, Gan Cao, Mai Men Dong, Sha Shen, Gou Qi Zi, Dang Gui, Lian Qiao, Ling Zhi. “Wei Bi Kang†should be taken synchronously.
Result: Total effective rate for all the groups is 100%.
Key words: Wei Bi Kang, herbal treatment, stomach disease, clinical summary
Writer: Yumin Liu
Liu Yu Min Clinic, Xiang Yang District, Jia Mu Si City, Hei Long Jiang Province (154002)