1. Prescription
Head and Neck: Cuanzhu (BL2), Xuanji (CV21), Tiantu (CV22), Yifeng (TE17).
Chest and Abdomen: Danzhong (CV17) Front-Mu Point of the Pericardium, Shangwan (CV13), Zhongwan (CV12) Front-Mu Point of the Stomach, Jianli (CV11), Qihai (CV6), Tianshu (ST25) Front-Mu Point of the Large Intestine, Guanyuan (CV4) Front-Mu Point of the SmallIntestine, Shenque (CV8), Zhangmen (LR13)Front-Mu Point of the Spleen, Influential Point of Zang Organs.
Back and Lumbar Region: Ganshu (BL18), Pishu (BL20), Weishu (BL21), Baliao.
Arm: Neiguan (PC6) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point, Hegu (LI4) Yuan-Source Point, Zhigou (TE6).
Leg: Liangqiu (ST34), Futu (LI18), Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point, Sanyinjiao (SP6), Zhaohai (KI6) The Eihgt Confluent Point.
2. Technique of Massage
In the clinic, classification of gastric and intestinal inflammations are very detailed including gastritis and enteritis, acute and chronic. But both of gastritis and enteritis belong to digestive system disease, so during treatment, we should simultaneously regulate functions of stomach and intestines, and treatment classification refers to acute or chronic. Except ordinary treatment, please modify techniques according to symptoms.
2. 1 Treatment for chronic gastritis and enteritis:
2.1.1 Deep breathing for 3 times and relax the abdominal muscles, both palms together place on upper abdomen or lower abdomen (according to the diseased area), rub clockwise and anticlockwise for 30 times individually, until feel penetrating warming sensation. It is normal response to hear intestinal rattling voice and patient breaks wind, sometimes pain can be relieved.
2.1.2 Thumb press-knead ST36 until the feeling of sourness, numbness and distention radiate to toes for 2-3 minutes.
2.1.3 Index finger and middle finger press-knead CV12 for 2-3 minutes.
2. 2 Modification for chronic gastritis and enteritis:
2.2.1 Chronic gastritis and enteritis with stomach region and upper abdominal pain as the main symptom:
Add thumb and index finger pinch LI4, until feel sourness, numbness and distention for 2-3 minutes.
Index finger and middle finger press-knead CV11 for 1 minute, both thumbs-press BL20 for 10-15 times.
2.2.2 Chronic gastritis and enteritis with acid regurgitation as the main symptom:
Add small thenar-rub LI18 until feel warming, both thumbs-knead BL21 for 10-15 times.
2.2.3 Chronic gastritis and enteritis with vomiting as the main symptom:
Add thumb-press PC6 for 2-3 minutes.
2.2.4 Chronic gastritis and enteritis with food retention as the main symptom:
Add both palms together and place on CV8, press-knead for 2-3 minutes.
Palm root-push both ST25 gradually downward until to abdominal region.
2.2.5 Chronic gastritis and enteritis with belching, abdominal distention as main symptoms:
Thumb knead-press CV6 for 2-3 minutes, both thumbs press-knead LR13 for 2-3 minutes.
2.2.6 Chronic gastritis and enteritis with belching as main symptom:
Add index finger-press CV22 for 1 minute, index finger-press TE17 for 1 minute.
Finger-rub from the upper margin of breastbone to CV17 until feel warming.
2.2.7 Chronic gastritis and enteritis with Diarrhea as main symptom:
Add palm-rub CV4 until feel warming, index finger and middle finger press ST25 for 1 minute.
2.2.8 Chronic gastritis and enteritis with constipation as main symptom:
Add thumb-press TE6 for 1 minute.
Thumb-press KI6 for 1 minute.
Both thumb-press Daheng (SP15) for 2-3 minute.
2.3 Treatment for acute gastritis and enteritis:
Stopping pain as the main method, take the treatment as chronic gastritis and enteritis after the pain is relieved.
2.3.1 Thumb-knead ST34 for 1 minute.
2.3.2 Push stomach meridian on lateral side of shank for 2-3 minutes.
