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Large Intestine Meridian

Regional Anatomy:
Skin-subcutaneous tissue-first dorsal interosseous muscle-adductor muscle of thumb.
In the superficial layer, there are the superficial branches of the radial nerve, the radial part of the dorsal venous network of the hand and the branches or tributaries of the first dorsal metacarpal artery and vein. In the deep layer, there are the deep branches of the ulnar nerve.

1. Stretch and open the thumb and the index finger of one hand, place the transverse stria of thumb joint of the other hand on the part between the thumb and the index finger, the point touched by the tip of the thumb is HeguLI4 (LI 4). 2. Juxtapose the thumb and the index finger side by side, the highest point of the muscle is HeguLI4 (LI 4). 3. Stretch and open the thumb and the index finger, the midpoint of the line connecting the part between the thumb and the index finger and the joining part of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bone.
Relieving pain, restoring normal menstruation in cases of pathological amenorrhea, clearing heat and inducing sweating for dispelling cold or bringing down a fever in the treatment of exterior symptom-complex.

Toothache, congested and sore throat, cold, fever, headache, stuffy nose, nose blockage, eye diseases, facial paralysis or spasm, anhidrosis or hyperhidrosis, and paralysis of the upper limbs.

Combined use with JiacheST6 (Jiache (ST6)) for toothache; with ShuigouGV26 (Shuigou (GV26)): for coma of wind-stroke; with DicangST4 (Dicang (ST4)) and JiacheST6 (ST6) for facial paralysis; with FengchiGB20 (Fengchi (GB20)), ShangjuxuST37 (Shangjuxu (ST37) The Lower He-Sea Point of the Large Intestine) and TianshuST25 (Tianshu (ST25) Front-Mu Point of the Large Intestine) for enteritis, dysentery and abdominal pain; and with FengchiGB20 (GB20), DazhuiGV14 (Dazhui (GV14)), QuchiLI11 (Quchi (LI11) He-Sea Point) and TaiyangEXHN5 (EX-HN5) for fever and headache of common cold.

Insert the needle perpendicularly 0.5-1 cun deep ; needling response: local distension and soreness, radiating towards the figertips; moxibustion: using 3-5 moxa-cones, for mild moxibustion for 15 min.


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