Professor Tian Cong Huo focuses treatment on syndrome differentiation in clinic, he selects points based on syndrome differentiation. We will introduce and summarize 19 prescriptions, as well as the relatively fixed indication, operation methods and modification according to symptoms and some personal experiences.
1. Excreting water and expel Bi prescription (Shuifen (CV9), Shuidao (ST28), indication: deficiency of genuine qi or water-dampness syndrome, including Bi syndrome for long time, abdominal distention, edema, etc).
2. Expelling exterior wind prescription (
Dazhui (GV14),
Fengchi (GB20), indication: wind-cold attack or external wind-heat).
3. Harmonizing Chong and Ren meridian, tonifying kidney and essence prescription (Guanyuan (CV4) Front-Mu Point of the SmallIntestine, indication: enuresis, sterility, menopause syndrome, irregular menstruation, etc).
4. Harmonizing qi-blood prescription (
Xuehai (SP10),
Quchi (LI11) He-Sea Point,
Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point, SP6----main indication: urticaria, neuropathic dermatitis, chronic eczema, skin tickle, etc).
5. Replenishing qi-blood prescription (Qihai (CV6), Zhongwan (CV12) Front-Mu Point of the Stomach, ST36, SP6----main indication: many diseases with indeficiency of qi-blood).
6. Regulating Zang-fu organs (
Ganshu (BL18),
Geshu (BL17),
Pishu (BL20), indication: asthma, urticaria, insomnia, vertigo, etc).
7. Harmonizing qi-blood and nutrient qi and defensive qi prescription (GV14, GB20, Feishu (BL13), BL17, BL20, BL23----main indication: cough, asthma, urticaria, etc).
8. Tranquilizing the mind and harmonizing the middle jiao prescription (
Baihui (GV20), Yintang,
Shenmen (HT7) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Primary Point, CV12, ST36, SP6----main indication: insomnia, neurasthenic, menopause syndrome, viscera-restlessness etc).
9. Awakening and reinforcing the brain prescription (Fengfu (GV16), GB20, GV20, GV14----main indication: wind-stroke, hypertension, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, epidemic encephalitis B, unconsciousness, dementia, etc).
10. Harmonizing qi-blood, smoothing the liver and regulating qi prescription (
Jianyu (LI15), LI11----main indication: wind-stroke, blockage, atrophy syndrome, urticaria, etc).
11. Nourishing yin and replenishing yang prescription (KI16, CV6, CV12----main indication: all kinds of diseases with deficiency syndrome of yin-yang).
12. Harmonizing the stomach and lowering the upper perversion qi prescription (
Liangmen (ST21), CV12, ST36, indication: epigastrium ache, vomiting, etc).
13. Harmonizing the liver-stomach prescription (Qimen (LR14) Front-Mu Point of the Liver, CV12, ST36, SP6----main indication: epigastrium ache, flank region ache, vomiting sour, diarrhoea, etc).
14. Smoothing chest to regulate qi prescription (
Danzhong (CV17) Front-Mu Point of the Pericardium, CV12, ST36, SP6----main indication: asthma, cough, heart ache, chest distress, etc).
15. Harmonizing and lowering the lung-stomach prescription (Tiantu (CV22), CV12, ST36----main indication: cough, belch, etc).
16. Promoting abdomen and lowering the turbid qi prescription (
Tianshu (ST25) Front-Mu Point of the Large Intestine, CV12, ST36, SP6----main indication: constipation, diarrhorea, abdominal distention, etc).
17. Regulating middle jiao prescription (ST25, CV12, CV6----main indication: long term disease caused deficiency of spleen-stomach, qi could not promoting due to qi insufficiency, or qi stagnation and abdominal distention in middle jiao, constipation, etc).
18. Warming uterus and invigorating blood prescription (CV4,
Wailing (ST26), indication: menses, leukorrhea, infantile epilepsy, post partum related diseases).
19. Prescription only from yangming (GV20, LI15, LI11, Hegu (LI4) Yuan-Source Point, Yanglingquan (GB34) He-Sea Point, Influential Point of Tendon, ST36, SP6----main indication: wind-stroke, atrophy syndrome, blockage syndrome, etc).
Key Words: clinic regular-used prescriptions
Writer: Zhang Hua, Liu Bao Yan, Zhou Xue Zhong, Wang Yang Hui, Liu Zhi Shun
Acupuncture Department of Guang An Men hospital of China TCM academy of sciences, Beijing 100053, China TCM academy of sciences