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Weblog of Xuemei Liu

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A Case of Breast Cancer with Lung and Brain Metastasis
published on 05.08.2014, 02:23:31. Category: no category
One patient, 47 years old, breast cancer post-operation many years, had been found lung metastasis and brain metastasis (multiple metastases in the brain). She had radiotherapy and chemotherapy already. The Western medicinal doctors had basically abandoned her treatment, so she came to my office to seek Chinese medicine treatment. She had numbness and dyskinesia on one lower extremities, seizures, headache, black complexion, anxiety, palpitation, and cool limbs, pale tongue, white greasy coating, deep pulse. TCM diagnosis: Phlegm and stasis resistance internally, cold resistances meridians. By 6 months of warming yang herbal treatment, she had a CT scan again, the metastasis tumors had no growth, and those clinical symptoms had disappeared completely, her life is as same as healthy people.

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