In Hokkaido of Japan, allergic rhinitis is a common disease. Now we give case report of allergic rhinitis treatment when we stay in Sapporo and Hokkaido TCM Research Center.
1 Data
There are totally 33 patients with 20 male and 13 female. Their ages are from 10 to 60 years old with most below 20. All of patients have diagnosis of allergic rhinitis given by ENT Department.
2 Effect standard
Almost cured – most of symptoms are disappeared.
Effective – 2/3 of symptoms are obviously relieved or disappeared.
No effect – no improvement after treatment.
3 Treatment method
Points selection: Baihui (GV20), Shangxing (GV23), Yintang, Suliao (GV25), Yingxiang (LI20), Quchi (LI11) He-Sea Point, Hegu (LI4) Yuan-Source Point, Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point, Neiting (ST44) Ying-Spring Point.
Modification: Cuanzhu (BL2), Sizhukong (TE23) and Sibai (ST2) for red and itching eyes.
Manipulation: even method is performed after qi arriving, retaining of needle is 20 minutes, once every other day.
4 Result
Clinical recent treatment result: almost cured - 13 cases, 39.39%; effective - 16 cases, 48.48%; no effect - 4 cases, 12.12%. Total effective rate is 87.87%. Number of treatment is minimum 3 times and maximum 10 times, most patients take about 10 times of treatment.
Key Words: allergic rhitnitis, acupuncture
Writer: Li Chuanjie, Shan Cheng, Xian Jian, Li Song, Xi Lin