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Small Intestine Meridian

Regional Anatomy:
Skin-subcutaneous-tissue-abductor muscle of 5th finger-pisometacarpal ligament.
In the superficial layer, there are the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm, the palmar branches of the ulnar nerve, the dorsal branches of tha ulnar nerve and the superficial vein. In the deep layer, there are the branches or tributaries of the ulnar artery and vein.

Incline the palm with centre of the palm facing forward; in the depression at the combining site of the base of the 5th metacarpal bone and the triangular bone, directly above HouxiSI3 (Houxi (SI3) Shu-Stream Point, The Eight Confluent Point).
Tranquilizing to calm fright, and promoting the production of body fluid.

Febrile diseases with anhidrosis, headache, rigidity of the neck, contracture of the fingers, pain in the wrist, and jaundice.

Combined use with PishuBL20 (Pishu (BL20)) and ShenshuBL23 (Shenshu (BL23)) for treatment of diabetes mellitus; with TinghuiGB2 (Tinghui (GB2)) for treatment of deafness and tinnitus; with DazhuiGV14 (Dazhui (GV14)) for treatment of epilepsy, with YangguSI5 (Yanggu (SI5) Jing-River Point) for treatment of costal regions pain in; with TianzongSI11 (Tianzong (SI11)) for treatment of shoulder and arm painin ; and with ZhongzhuTE3 (Zhongzhu (TE3) Shu-Stream Point) for treatment of tetany.

Insert the needle perpendiculary 0.5-1.0 cun deep; needling response: local sensation of distension and soreness; moxibustion: using 3-5 moxa-cones, or mild moxibustion for 15 min.


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