Location of Jianqi point: two cun from internal side of acromion, conoid tubercle of posterior edge of one third of extraclavicle. Cross point of anterior border of trapezius and posterosuperior border of clavicle. Suprascapular artery, suprascapular vein and suprascapular nerve pass though deep layer, nervi supraclaviculares of cervical plexus spreads in skin, branches of nerves above spread in subcutaneous tissues. Location methods: choose sitting position, expose shoulder completely, and perpendicularly needle on Jianqi point for 0.3~1 cun with even method till get qi and effect. Withdrawal needle after getting effective; or remain the needle for 5 minutes, twist and lift needle with even method and then withdrawal needle after getting effective. Once every 2~3 days, and 3 treatments are one course without adjunct acupoints. Indications of Jianqi point: talalgia (include elicited by heel hyperosteogeny, rheumatism, injury and Achilles tendinitis), systremma, cervical spondylosis and stiff neck.
Key words: needling, Jianqi point, talalgia
Writer: Xizhong Yang, Tianliang Yang, Tianhong Yang
Xinglin traditional Chinese hospital, Sui County, Henan province (476900)