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External Medicine

Eczema is a polymorphism rash and transudatory tendency, accompanied by severe itching and easy to recurrent skin inflammation. It can be divided into acute, sub-acute and chronic three categories. There many ways can be used by Chinese medicine external treatment. We introduce 6 of them as follows:

1. Lu Gan Shi 30g, Bing Pian 1g, pulverization, bottle storage as back-up. Apply the powder directly on the effusion lesion; and apply the ointment which is mixed by sesame oil and the powder on dry lesion. 2 times a day, it is good for acute eczema.   

2. Huang Bai, Huang Dan, 30g of each, pulverization, bottle storage as back-up. Apply the powder directly on the effusion lesion; and apply the ointment which is mixed by sesame oil and the powder on dry lesion. 2 times a day, it is good for sub-acute eczema.   

3. Raw Pu Huang appropriate amount, pulverization, collation, bottle storage as back-up. Apply the powder directly on the lesion, and re-apply after the effusion soak through. It is good for acute eczema with more effusion.

4. Ku Fan 30g, Zao Fan 30g, Qing Fen 30g, Song Xiang 30g, Chi Shi Zhi 30g, pulverization, tune into a paste with sesame oil. The paste will be applied to the lesion thickly, wait until slightly dry about 1 hour later, then wrap with a gauze until the lesion dry off and heal. It is good for intractable chronic eczema. 

5. Qing Fen 5g, Mi Tuo Seng 15g, Bing Pian 5g, Xiong Huang 5g, Liu Huang 10g, She Chuang Zi 10g, Huang Bai 10g, Di Fu Zi 5g, Cang Zhu 5g, pulverization, storage as back-up. Take appropriate amount of powder, turn into a paste with vinegar, and apply on lesion. 3 times a day, it is good for refractory eczema.

6. Get Ku Fan and Song Hua Fen as an equivalent amount, pulverization, bottle storage as back-up. Apply the powder directly on the effusion lesion; and apply the ointment which is mixed by sesame oil and the powder on dry lesion. 2 times a day, it is good for genital eczema.

Key words: acute and chronic eczema, the external treatment of Chinese medicine

Writer: Zhong Du, Yongxin Zhang, tingchen Liu
Dermatology, Blue Sky Hospital, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province (150001)


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