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We have treated 358 cases of eczema with washing application of Ku Shen Tang, cure rate is 96% and effective rate is 99%, Ku Shen Tang has functions to eliminate dampness, stop itching sensation, remove inflammation and promote skin recovery. Ingredients have Ku Shen, She Chuang Zi, Di Fu Zi, Jin Yin Hua, Bai Xian Pi, Huang Bai, Qian Li Guang, Bai Zhi and Fang Feng. We mix herbs with 1500ml water, boil until to one hour, filter out herbs, repeat one more time, mix two times of decoction and apply after warming decoction. Washing affected area two times a day and half hour a time is performed, each decoction can be used for two to three days. Ku Shen can clear hear and dry dampness, eliminate worms and stop itching; She Chuang Zi and Di Fu Zi can dry dampness and eliminate worms; Jin Yin Hua, Qian Li Guang and Huang Bai can clear heat and remove toxic pathogenic factors, eliminate inflammation; Bai Xian Pi, Bai Zhi and Fang Feng can dispel wind, stop dampness and reduce pain, promote skin recovery. This prescription has good effect for the treatment of eczema, it is also effective for the treatment of other skin diseases including neurodermatitis, Head folliculitis, furuncle with yellow water, carbuncle, erysipelas etc.

Key words: Ku Shen Tang, eczema, skin diseases

Writer: Dingguo Wan
Health Center in Cao Dian Town, Sui Zhou City, Hu Bei Province


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