Although causative factors of manic mental disorder have phlegm and fire, the early stage of this disease is mostly caused by fire. Based on my 30 years clinical experience, I apply Xie Huo Zhen Kuang Tang made by myself to treat early stage of manic mental disorder and obtain good effect.
Clinical data: there are totally 36 patients including 12 male and 24 female with duration of 5 days to one year insomnia; all of patients have got dry stool, red tongue proper, wiry, tidal and rapid pulses except different mental symptoms. Treatment method: Xie Huo Zhen Kuang Tang, prescription: Long Dan Cao, Chuan Lian Zi, Zhi Zi, Da Huang ( later decocting ), Zhi Ke, Yu Jin, Chai Hu, Gan Cao, Sheng Di, once a day. Treatment result: 20 cases - cured, 13 cases - obvious effective, 2 - improved, 1 - no effect, so total effective rate is 97.2%.
Key Words: early stage, manic mental disorder, reducing fire method
Writer: Hengjun Liu
Working Place: Xi Hua Hospital in Nan Kang city, Jiang Xi province ( 341400 )