Cuanzhu (BL2) locates on inner canthus of eye. After ordinary disinfection, patient moves back and lumbar region until to the posture with painful sensation, then we insert needle into BL2 to the bone ( 0.1 to 0.2 cun deep ), repeatedly lift and thrust needle 3 to 5 minutes until patient feels local soreness and distention, then there is tears, we retain needle 20 to 30 minutes. During retaining of needle, patient should move back and lumbar region or turn body. According to the level of pain, we should repeatedly lift and thrust needle 1 to 2 minutes every 10 minutes for promotion of needling sensation. Treatment is done once every day, six times of treatment is one course, at least, patient should continue six times.
Key Words: acute pain on back and lumbar region, BL2
Writer: Gao Lishan; @ZJ1J231 ZJ 1982 03 01 49 1