There are totally 308 cases of hypochondriac pain classified by 300 cases due to qi stagnation and 8 cases due to blood stagnation.
Treatment method: Qi stagnation: Neiguan (PC6) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point, Yanglingquan (GB34) He-Sea Point, Influential Point of Tendon, local cupping Blood stagnation: based on the points for qi stagnation, add Zhigou (TE6) and local bleeding and cupping.Treatment effect: effective rate is 100%
Experience: Hypochondriac pain is a kind of spontaneous symptom that is not easily treated by medicine. The meridian of P6 has branch connecting to hypochondriac region, so needling P6 and deep breathing of patient can get function to open chest and relieve qi stagnation, regulate qi and stop pain; TE6 and GB34 can freely flow liver yang and qi, needling and local cupping can stop blood stagnation.
Key Words: hypochondriac pain, acupuncture and cupping
Writer: Zhou Xiujuan