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Jinsheng Hu
Instructor Introduction:
Sex: Male Date of Birth: June 21st, 1952 Nationality: Chinese Educational Background: Master Degree ( Medicine ) Place of Work: Beijing International Acupuncture Training Certre. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine( TCM ) Position: Senior and Chief doctor, Professor Foreign: English
EDUCATION:     September 1983---September 1986         Master for Acupuncture & Moxibustion Postgraduate Study         of China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)     September 1976---September 1979         Bachelor for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing College         of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM )
- September 1986---Present, Doctor and Teacher in Beijing International Acupuncture Training Centre, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM )
- September 1979---September 1983, Lecturer and Doctor in TCM College of Shanxi Province Since 1972, I have engaged in the clinic and teaching work of TCM including acupuncture & moxibustion, massage etc. lecturer in Beijing International Acupuncture Training Centre.
- From April 1991 to May 1992, I worked in Belladonna Acupuncture Training Centre in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, treated more than 1,000 patients with10,000 sessions by acupuncture, carried on the training courses for local doctors at the same time, and had a great success.
- From October 1995 to April 1996, I I build up the first China- Germany    International Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic and worked in Johanniter Hospitalin Bramsche, Germany, treated more than 430 patients with 4,300 sessions by acupuncture, had very effective result, and was highly rated by local government and patients.
- From March 3rd, 1997 to March 21st, 1997, I worked in Nordisk Acupunkturhogskole in Oslo, Norway, giving lectures more than 60 hours in English.
- From July 10th, 1997 to January 16th, 1998, I worked in a clinic in Hannover, Germany.
- From January 17th, 1998 to May 21st, 1998, I worked again in Johanniter Hospital in Bramsche, Germany.
- From January 16 to February 18, 2001, I participated in the planning and Preparation of another center on traditional Chinese medicine in Germany and was invited to supervise the preparation work.
- From May 15, 2001 to June 26, 2001, I lectured courses 6 weeks in Norway, Which totaled more than 200 hours, to students of six different grades. And I also chaired the graduation examination and the graduation ceremony.
- From October 26, 2001 to November 2, 2001, I worked in the Korea for International Acupuncture Examinations.
- From March 2002 to September 2002 , I build up the first China angladesh International Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh and worked in for six months  had very effective result, and was highly rated by local government and patients.
- From the 25th of November 2003 till the 8th of December 2003.I worked in the Nordic Acupuncture Training Centre(NATC) in Oslo and Bergen, Norway, to exchange experience in TCM and to teach and give clinical seminars From the 5th of May 2005 till the 8th of June 2005.I worked in the Nordic Acupuncture Training Centre(NATC) in Oslo, Norway, to exchange experience in TCM and to teach and give clinical seminars
- From 9th of Oct. 2005 to 6th of Nov.2005, I worked in Belladonna Acupuncture Centre in Rijeka, Croatia, treated more than 1,80 patients with10,00 sessions by acupuncture, carried on the training courses for local doctors at the same time, and had a great success.
- From 24th 0f April 2006 till 5th of June 2006. I worked in the Nordic Acupuncture Training Centre (NATC) in Oslo, Norway, to exchange experience in TCM and to teach and give clinical seminars, I have taken part in the edition work of Collection of TCM Questions and Answers, Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion Dictionary, Compendium of TCM Clinic.
Specialty:    I am proficient at acupuncture & moxibustion; I can treat a variety of  diseases with good results such as pain syndrome, headache, trigeminal neuralgia, acute sprain, sciatica, periarthritis of shoulder , dizziness and vertigo, cervical spondylotic syndrome and  so on, and I am often highly appraised by my colleagues and patients. Publications:    I have published more than 40 articles on the national first -grade journal, Journal of TCM until now. They are "The Reinforcing and Reducing Method in Moxibustion Therapy"," Acupuncture & Moxibustion Won't Transmit HIV", "Treatment of Acute Lumbar Sprain by Acupuncture & Moxibustion"," How to Stop Smoking by Needling"," Application of Multi--Needles Therapy in Internal Classics". In addition, several articles like" Treatment of Herpes Zoster by Acupuncture & Moxibustion"," Clinic Observation on 25 Cases of Hormone Dependent Bronchial Asthma Treated by Acupuncture"," Acupuncture  Treatment of 89 Cases of Migraine in Germany", have been published on the English edition of TCM Journal. On American International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture I have published some articles ," Principle of Correspondence in Homonomial: Its use in Acupuncture Clinic","A Dialogue on Scalp Acupuncture".
Courses avaible for Jinsheng Hu: