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You are here: Home > Clinic Series > Quit Smoking with Acupuncture (Free Lecture)

Quit Smoking with Acupuncture (Free Lecture)

Description: Acupuncture treatment is quite effective to help people quitting smoking, the effective rate can reach to 80% according to clinical observation, most persons can feel improvement after two or three times of treatment. Acupunture treatment can have functions to inhibit desire of smoking and reduce or eliminate clinical manifestions of Withdrawal Syndrome including irritability, dizziness, insomnia etc. Because After we needle acupuncture points to smoke person, sensation of needling ( qi arrival ) will promote qi, blood circulation and regulate internal zang fu organs, then symtoms can be improved. After the acupuncture treatment, the person will not have desire to smoke, or when the person smokes, the taste of smoking will be changed from good to bitter or amertume, then he/she will not like smoking. The most commonly used methods for quitting smoking include needling on acupoints and ear seeds therapy.





Language: English
Instructor: Wei Yang
Runtime: 5 minutes
Type: Video + Slides + Content


by Mohamed
on Jan 25, 2009

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by Mical
on Feb 08, 2009

Is this Open TCM accredited?

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by admin
on Feb 19, 2009

OpenTCM aimed at professionals of Chinese medicine and TCM enthusiasts, to carry out distance learning and continuing education. OpenTCM cooperates with university and research institution of TCM. OpenTCM is not accredited.

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learning TCM in china
by sattar dorri
on Feb 06, 2010

I am intrest to learn TCM in china.please guide me!I am living in IRAN.

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Study TCM in china
by admin
on Feb 08, 2010

Once we start TCM training program in China, we will inform you immediately. However, we believe that it is also good for you to start with the online TCM courses now.

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