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Description: Eye dryness has become more popular in many clinics today. You will get abounding TCM acupuncture knowledge, skills and clinical experience through this doctor Yang’s Xerophthalmia lecture.
Language: English
Instructor: Wei Yang
Runtime: 40 minutes

Description: This lecture is part of TCM internal medicine class, it brings up all the general TCM information for acupuncture treating headache.
Language: English
Instructor: Tao Huang
Runtime: 92 minutes

Description: This lecture is part of TCM gynecology class. It brings you all general information for acupuncture treating dysmenorrhea.
Language: English
Instructor: Tao Huang
Runtime: 28 minutes

Description: General introduction of objective for the four courses concerning "Chinese Medicine out-patient medical record", as well as the collecting of primary information about the patient.
Language: English
Instructor: Kevin Zhu
Runtime: 170 minutes

Description: Through the application of massage and manipulation techniques Tuina seeks to establish a more harmonious flow of Qi through the system of meridians.
Language: English
Instructor: Cun Zhong Fang
Runtime: 52 minutes

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