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Tai Zi Shen

Posted by: admin on Feb 23, 2008 - 06:18 PM
Tonify Deficiencies

Sweet, slightly bitter and neutral

Spleen and lung

To replenish qi and promote body fluids

1. Deficiency of the spleen manifested as poor appetite and lassitude. Pseudostellaria root (Tai Zi Shen) is used with Dioscorea (Shan Yao), Hyacinth bean (Bian Dou), Germinated millet (Gu Ya) and Germinated barley (Mai Ya).2. Deficient yin of the lungs manifested as dry cough or cough with scanty sputum. Pseudostellaria root (Taizishen) is used with Glehnia root (Sha Shen) and Ophiopogon root (Maidong)/3. Deficient yin of the stomach manifested as thirst. Pseudostellaria root (Taizishen) is used with Dendrobium (Shi Hu) and Trichosanthes root (Tian Hua Fen).4. Deficiency of the spleen leading to deficiency of both qi and blood manifested as palpitations, insomnia and sweating. Pseudostellaria root (Taizishen) is used with Wild jujube seed (Suan Zao Ren) and Schisandra fruit (Wu Wei Zi).

10-30 g

Tai Zi Shen

Image of herb: Tai Zi Shen
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