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Stomach Meridian

Regional Anatomy:
Skin-subcutaneous tissue-parotid gland-betweem masseter muscle and zygomatic process of temporal bone-lateral pterygoid muscle.
In the superficial layer, there are the branches of the auriculotemporal nerve, the zygomatic branches of the facial nerveand the transverse facial artery and vein. In the deep layer, there are the maxillary artery and vein, the lingual verve, the inferior alveolar nerve, the middle meningeal artery and pterygoid plexus.

Sit upright or lie prostrate on one's side; with the mouth closed, about one finger-breadth anterior to tragus, in a depression beneath zygomatic arch (there is an opening when the mouth is closed, and it is closed when the mouth is opened).
Dispersing wind, activating the collaterals, relieving lockjaws and stopping pain.

Deafness, tinnitus, otorrhea, toothache, facial paralysis, pain of the face, motor impairment of the jaw.

Combined use with HeguLI4 (Hegu (LI4) Yuan-Source Point) for treatment of toothache and mandibular joint inflammation; with TinghuiGB2 (Tinghui (GB2)) and ZhongzhuTE3 (Zhongzhu (TE3) Shu-Stream Point) for treatment of tinnitus.

Insert the needle perpendicularly 1.0-2.0 cun deep; needling response: local sensation of distension and soreness, irradiating toward the mandible or tongue; moxibustion: using 3-5 moxa-cones, or mild moxibustion for 15 min.
Not to be used in cases with face infection.


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