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Stomach Meridian

Regional Anatomy:
Skin-subcutaneous tissue-orbicular muscle of eye-adipose body of orbit-inferior oblique muscle.
In the superficial layer, there are the branches of the infraorbital nerve and the zygomatic branches of the facial nerve. In the deep layer, there are the branches of the oculomotor nerve and the branches or tributaries of the ophthalmic artery and vein.

Upright sitting or supine position; with one's eyes looking forward horizontally, vertically under the pupil, below the eyeball, and above the lower border of the orbit.
Improving eyesight and expelling wind.

Redness, swelling and pain of the eye, lacrimation, night blindness, twitching of eyelids, facial paralysis.

Combined use with GanshuBL18 (Ganshu (BL18)) for treatment of nyctalopia; and with FengchiGB20 (Fengchi (GB20)) for treatment of keratitis.

Push the eyeball upward with the left thumb and insert the needle perpendicularly and slowly 0.3-0.8 cun deep; along the infraorbital ridge. It is not advisable to manipulate the needle with large amplitude; needling response: local sensation of distension and soreness.
Insert slowly and vertical the needle closely by the side of the infraorbital ridge to avoid injuring the eyeball. Deep penetration and lifting and thrusting manipulations should be avoided, lest the needle injure the branches of artery and vein as well as the infraorbital artery and infraobital vein accompanying with the infraorbital nerve, resulting in hematoma. Don't puncture deeply and obliquely, or else the needle would injure the optic nerve. Puncturing 2 cun deeply, it could injure the brain tissue through the optic canal.


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