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Yuan Hua

Posted by: admin on Feb 22, 2008 - 08:49 PM
Downward Draining

bitter, warm and toxic

Lung, kidney and large intestine

1. To transform water and stop cough; 2. To resolve phlegm and stop cough; 3.. To kill worms

1. Edema in the face or body, ascites and retention of fluid in the chest. Genkwa flower (Yuan Hua) is used with Kansui root (Gan Sui) and Peking spurge root (Da Ji) in the formula Shizao Tang.2. Sudden cough and cold-damp type of chronic bronchitis. Genkwa flower (Yuanhua) is used with Jujube (Da Zao).3. Scabs, white ringworm and stubborn ringworm. Genkwa flower (Yuanhua) is ground into powder and combined with powdered Realgar (Xionghuang) and pig fat oil for external application.

1.5-3 g

This herb must mot be used with Licorice root (Gan Cao) as it counteracts it, and Gemkwa flower (Yuanhua) is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Yuan Hua

Image of herb: Yuan Hua
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