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Governor (Du) Vessel

Regional Anatomy:
Skin-subcutaneous tissue-epicranial aponeurosis-subaponeurotic loose tissue.
There are the greater occipital nerve and anastomotic network of the left and right occipital arteries and veins in this area.

Sit upright or lie prostrate; on the posterior median line, on the border between the middle and posterior third of the distance between the anterior and posterior hairlines. Or, at the midpoint of the line connecting BaihuiGV20(Baihui (GV20)) and FengfuGV16(Fengfu (GV16)).
Refreshing oneself and easing mind.

Headache, neck rigidity, blurring of vision, and mania.

Combined use with TaichongLR3 (Taichong (LR3) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source Point) for treatment of vertigo; with HouxiSI3 (Houxi (SI3) Shu-Stream Point, The Eight Confluent Point) for treatment of headache; and with NeiguanPC6 (Neiguan (PC6) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point) for treatment of hysteria.

Insert the needle subcutaneously to 0.5-0.8 cun depth; needling response: local numbness and distention; moxibustion: mild moxibustion for 10 min.


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