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Kidney Meridian

Regional Anatomy:
Skin-subcutaneous tissue-plantar aponeurosis-2nd common digital nerve of sole-2nd lumbrical muscle.
In the superficial layer, there are the branches of the medial plantar nerve. In the deep layer, there are the 2nd common digital nerve of the sole and 2nd common digital artery and vein of the sole.

Supine position; in the depression at the centre of the anterior part of the sole, at the juncture of the anterior one-third and the middle one third of the sole ( except toes ), proximal to the 2nd and 3rd metatarsophalangeal joints when 5 toes are flexed.
Regaining consciousness, lowering the adverse flow of stomach-qi to arrest vomiting, clearing away the heart-fire, recuperating depleted yang and rescuing the patient from collapse.

Shock, apoplexy, nervous vomiting, car sickness, sea sickness, hypertension, cerebral hemorrhage, sleeplessness, hysteria, epilepsy, psychosis, infantile convulsions, parietal headache, nervous headache, hyoglossal muscle paralysis, hoarseness, aphonia, cough, acute tonsillitis, palpitation, myocarditis, icterus, hysteroptosis, rubella, spasm of the lower limbs, paralysis of the lower limbs. It is one of the first-aid points.

Combined use with JiuweiCV15 (Jiuwei (CV15) Luo-Connecting Point) for treatment of epilepsy; with ShuigouGV26 (Shuigou (GV26)), ZusanliST36 (Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point) for treatment of shock; and with SanyinjiaoSP6 (Sanyinjiao (SP6)) for treatment of metatarsal neuralgia.

Insert the needle perpendicularly, 0.5-1 cun deep; needling response: local numbness and distension, radiating toward the legs; moxibustion: using 3-5 moxa-cones, or mild moxibustion for 10 min.

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