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Urine Bladder Meridian

Regional Anatomy:
Skin-subcutaneous tissue-tendon of long peroneal muscle and abductor muscle of little toe.
There are the lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve of the foot (the small saphenous vein) in this area.

Sit upright, hang down two shanks, with two feet touching the ground or lie supinely; 0.5 cun anteriorly and inferiorly apart from ShenmaiBL62(Shenmai (BL62) The Eight Confluent Point), in the depression on the lateral side of cuboid bone.
Inducing resuscitation, and relaxing the muscles and tendons.

Epilepsy, infantile convulsions, pain in the waist and legs, plantalgia, pain in the forehead ache, vomiting, peritonitis, and gonitis.

Combined use with QiuxuGB40 (Qiuxu (GB40) Yuan-Primary Point) for treatment of acute pain due to hernia; with PucanBL61 (Pucan (BL61)) for treatment of epilepsy; with PucanBL61 (BL61), ChengshanBL57 (Chengshan (BL57)), and ChengjinBL56 (Chengjin (BL56)) for treatment of cramp in cholera morbus.

Insert the needle perpendicularly, 0.3-0.5 cun deep; needling response: local distension and pain; moxibustion: using 3-5 moxa-cones, or mild moxibustion for 5-20 min.


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