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Urine Bladder Meridian

Regional Anatomy:
Skin-subcutaneous tissue-calcaneus.
In the superficial layer, of the small saphenous vein, the lateral calcaneal branches of the small nerve and the calaneal branches of the peroneal artery and vein in this area.

Sit upright, hang down two shanks, with two feet touching the ground or lie pronely; vertically below KunlunBL60(Kunlun (BL60) Jing-River Point), in the depression of the heel, at the dorso-ventral boundary of the foot.
Relieving rigidity of the waist and legs, and relaxing muscle and tendons.

Lumbago, painful heel, beriberi, urinary tract infection, gonitis, paralysis of the lower limbs, and epilepsy.

Combined use with DazhuiGV14 (Dazhui (GV14)) for treatment of epilepsy; with TaixiKI3 (Taixi(KI3) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source Point) for treatment of painful heel; with ZuqiaoyinGB44 (Zuqiaoyin (GB44) Jing-Well Point), ZhiyinBL67(Zhiyin (BL67) Jing-Well Point), JiexiST41 (Jiexi (ST41) Jing-River Point), QiuxuGB40 (Qiuxu (GB40) Yuan-Primary Point) for treatment of spasm (usually referring to systremma).

Insert the needle perpendicularly, 0.3-0.5 cun deep; needling response: local distension and pain; moxibustion: using 3-5 moxa-cones, or mild moxibustion for 15 min.


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