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Internal Medicine

Qi and Yin deficiency is the root of diabetes. Qi deficiency, there is not enough Qi to drive blood circulation leads to stagnation. Yin deficiency and less fluid, blood stickiness, blood circulation is stagnant, which results in stasis. Blood stagnation transforms to heat or wasting thirst and dryness-heat, which dry body fluid to phlegm, or, spleen’s function of transportation and transformation dose not work due to spleen deficiency, water damp produces internally and assembles to phlegm. Prevention principle: resolving phlegm and dispersing stasis, promoting blood circulation by removing stasis are the basis methods to treat vascular lesion.

The differentiation and prescription of Professor Zhu:
Qi and Yin deficiency, the treatment should be promoting Qi and nourishing Yin, dissipating phlegm to remove mass, promoting blood circulation by removing stasis. The prescription includes herbs of Huang Qi 25g, Raw Di Huang 15g, Xuan Shen 15g. Cang Zhu 10g, Dan Shen 20g, Ge Gen 15g, Tai Zi Shen 25g, Tu Bie Chong 10g, Shui Zhi 0.3g (dissolve into water), Shan Zha 15g, Bai Jie Zi 15g, Ban Xia 15g, Zhe Bei Mu 15g, modification according to the symptoms.

Yin and Yang deficiency, the treatment should be warming Yang and nourishing Yin, resolving phlegm and dispersing stasis, promoting blood circulation by removing stasis. The prescription is Gui Fu Di Huang decoction with modification, which include Rou Gui 15g, roasted Xiang Fu 15g, Shu Di Huang 15g, Shan Yao 15g, Shan Zhu Yu 15g, Fu Ling 15g, Mu Dan Pi 15g, Ze Xie 15g, Dan Shen 25g, Ge Gen 15g, Yu Jin 15g, Shui Zhi 0.3g (resolving into water), Bai Jie Zi 15g, Ban Xia 15g, Zhe Bei Mu 10g, modification according to the symptoms.

Key words: Diabetic Angiopathy, Phlegm Turbid and Blood Stagnation

Writer: Zhi Dong, Yudong Zhang
Jiu Tai City TCM Hospital, Ji Lin Province (130500)
De Hui City Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Ji Lin Province


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