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Internal Medicine

There are totally 38 cases of aged and stubborn constipation. Ingredients of self-made Zi Yin Yang Wei Tang: Tai Zi Shen 30g, Huai Shan Yao 30g, Shi Hu 30g, Mai Men Dong 20g, Yu Zhu 20g, Sheng Di Huang 15g, Nu Zhen Zi 25g, Sang Ji Sheng 30g, Yu Jin 15g, bei Xing Ren 12g. Add Zhi Mu 20g for yellow tongue coating, add Pian Dou Hua 10g for white tongue coating, add Ji Nei Jin 15g for peeled tongue coating. Water decoction, one dose a day, 15 days are one course, continue one to two courses. No other cathartic during this treatment. Precaution: not used for patient with yellow, thick and sticky tongue coating. Result: obviously effective on 24 cases and effective on 14.

Key words: Zi Yin Yang Wei Tang, herbs, Aged and Stubborn Constipation

Writer: Shaofang Wen, Xiaowen Zhong
TCM Department, People's Hospital, Zhuhai, Guangdong
Master Degree Student in Grade of 2005, Guangzhou TCM University


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