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Obstruction of dampness and heat is a type of dampness retention, dampness and heat can be from either external or internal. Through long clinic practice, Doctor Chen suggests the key points to indicate obstruction of middle energize by dampness and heat that include sticky mouth, bitter taste in the mouth, poor appetite, epigastric distention, vomiting, loose stool or difficult defecation, red tongue with yellow and sticky coating, wiry or soft and rapid pulse. The treatment is as following:

1. Use both of bitter-warm and bitter-cold, specially bitter-warm
2. Be careful of using sweetish-warm, do not use strong tonification or digestive promotion and purgative.
3. Be patient to treat this disease, not be too hasty.
4. Do not forget to regulate liver qi.

Key words: treatment, obstruction of middle energize by dampness and heat, clinic practice

Writer: Yong Guo, Haisong Jiang
No. 1 Hospital attached to Zhejiang TCM Hospital (310006)


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