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Internal Medicine

Yongmi Li was famous doctor in 1930s, was good at using Fu Zi, Rou Gui, Dang Shen, Huang Qi and Bai Zhu to treat yang deficient syndrome. His differentiation was accurate, result was very good. The key points are as following:

(1) Primary and secondary of excess and deficiency are difficultly distinguished, the key is the tongue diagnosis. Yang deficiency must have pale tongue. Pale tongue is the significance to indicate yang deficiency.
(2) Yang tonification is mostly to strengthen kidney, qi tonification is mostly to reinforce lung and spleen. For treatment of yang deficiency, we should reinforce kidney yang and qi when we want to tonify yang, meanwhile strengthen spleen and lung. Combination with Fu Zi and Rou Gui, application of warming yang and tonifying qi, treatment on lung, spleen and kidney, strengthening congenital qi and acquired qi together can promote to reinforce deficiency.

Key words: Herbs with Nature of Warming and Heat, treatment, yang deficiency.

Writer: Shoupeng Li
Central Health Center in Qiuxi Town, Zizhong County, Sichuan (641200)


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