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Various Theory

There is circle within the circle, infinite inward circle until there is no more, and infinite outward circle until there is no more. The more inward, the larger density, and stronger forces of cohesion and sinking, then the last is a point, until none; the more outward, the smaller density and stronger forces of ascending and dispersing, finally, there is no border.   

Specific to the human body, a small universe, the inner circle is primary qi, and outer circle refers to four dimensionalities including ascending liver qi, floating heart qi, sinking lung qi and descending kidney qi. They are the movement manifestation of primary qi. The book "Circular Motion in Ancient Chinese medicine" states: primary qi origins from inner body, continuously extends outwards, but still a timely convergence inward to be one point until none, then extending outwards again, it is a never-ending process. Coming and going, in and out, ascending and descending, those are positive circular motion. The person who has the positive circular motion is in the balance of yin and yang, the stronger the cohesion of inner circle, the greater the range of outer circle, the faster the speed.

When the positive circular motion maintains within the best speed and range of self-regulation, the energy will be consumed at the lowest, the powers of inward cohesion and outward pervasion will maintain within the best balanced condition, and then it is not easy to be broken by external power and lose the balance. This means heartsease and healthy. Even though sometime it loses the balance, the outer circle is out-of-round, but the inner-circle will not been effected due to the very strong cohesion of the axis. So it can be self-correcting on a timely manner to restore circular motion. 

Key words: Circular Motion, Analysis, Three Yin Diseases

Writer: Yan Zhuang
Datian County TCM Hospital in Fujian Province (366100)


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