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Internal Medicine

Colitis is mostly caused by deficiency of large intestine and dampness, heat in large intestine. Clinically, symptoms of colitis include abdominal pain, pain relieved by pressing, constipation or Diarrhea. Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point (ST 36) is he-sea point of stomach meridian of foot-yangming, it can regulate spleen and stomach, strengthen anti-pathogenic qi, we combine with method of summer therapy for winter diseases to treat 13 patients in three periods of summer and obtain good effect. Treatment method: Zusanli (ST 36) on both sides, we treat one time of acupuncture on each period with totally three times. Treatment result: 9 obviously effective, 3 improved and 1 no effect.

Key words: acupuncture and moxibustion, combination, summer therapy for winter diseases, colitis

Writer: Yonglu Shi
Huayingtang Clinic in No. 459, Tianshui Nanlu, Lanzhou, Gansu Province (730000)


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