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Internal Medicine

We employ the method of circumgyrating Shao Yang cardinalate, activating spleen and stomach, resolving phlegm and stopping wind, use Chao Qin Liu Jun Tang with modification for the treatment of vertiginous?disease. There are 39 cases in this group, among which, there are 18 cases were diagnosed as meniere disease, 10 cases of hypertension, 4 cases of hypotension, 7 cases of vertebro-basilar artery insufficiency. All the patients take Chai Qin Liu Jun Tang with modification. Basic prescription: Chai Hu 10g, Huang Qin 15g, Dang Shen 20g, Jing Ban Xia 10g, Bai Zhu 15g, Fu Ling 15g, Chen Pi 10g, Ze Xie 15-30g, Tian Ma 15g, Gou Teng 20g, Ju Hua 10g, Sheng Jiang 10g, Da Zao 10g, modification according to syndrome differentiation. Treatment result: recovery (54%), have effect (28%), to get better (18%). There is no side-effect was observed during the treatment process.

Key words: Chai Qin Liu Jun Tang, herbal treatment, Vertiginous Disease

Writer: Yongfa He, Xianlin He, Xianhui He
Gao Liang central hospital, Wang Zhou district, Chongqing city (404041)


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