There are 116 cases who are all outpatients, through B ultrasonic diagnostic equipment, endoscopy, or X-ray barium meal examination, all the patients were diagnosed as gall bladder and stomach disease. Among the cases, there are 64 cases of Cholecystitis; 40 cases of cholelithiasis, 11 cases of cholangitis, 1 case of gallbladder polyps, 59 cases of superficial gastritis, 21 cases of atrophic gastritis; 15 cases of gastric ulcer; 21 cases of duodenal ulcer, 17 cases of combination of esophagus inflammation, duodenal inflammation. In the history of diseases, there are 61 cases had stomach disease in the first and 55 cases who had the gall bladder disease formerly.
Treatment according to the syndrome differentiation: (1) Gall bladder Qi obstruction (43 cases): the symptoms include distention pain in the hypochondrium, sometimes the pain reaches chest, back, shoulder and arms, belch, abdominal distention, or acid regurgitation, poor appetite, pale tongue, thin white coating, wiry pulse. The treatment needs to sooth gall bladder and stomach, the prescription chooses Chai Hu Shu Gan San deletes Chuan Xiong, add Mu Xiang, Yu Jin, Jie Geng, Hai Jin Sha, Ji Nei Jin.
(2) Gall bladder and stomach damp-heat (32 cases): the symptoms include acute pain in hypochondrium, which reaches shoulder and back, acid regurgitation, severe irritability, constipation, bitter taste, nausea and vomiting, or jaundice, red tongue, yellow greasy coating, wiry pulse, or wiry slippery pulse. The treatment needs relieving heat, resolving damp, the prescription is Da Chai Hu Tang eliminates Sheng Jiang, Da Zao, combining with Jin Ling Zi San plus Jin Qian Cao, Yu Jin, Hai Jin Sha, Ji Nei Jin, Liu Yi San.
Key words: treatment according to syndrome differentiation, gall bladder and stomach disease, observation of treatment effect.
Writer: Ming Jiang
Nan Kai District Physical Therapy Hospital, Tian Jin City (300100)