Rheumatic arthralgia means wind-cold-damp evil attack human body and results in blockage of meridians, Qi and blood movement dysfunction cause the symptoms including muscle and joints soreness, numbness, dysfunction of flexing and extending, even joint swelling deformation etc. The writer use self-built “Xi Xin Bai Shao Tang†as the basic prescription based on the syndrome differentiation and employ large dosage of Xi Xin, satisfied effect was got. There are 35 cases of outpatients, the prescription include: Xi Xin 10-30g, Bai Shao Yao, Dang Gui 15g respectively, Dang Shen, Huang Qi, Du Zhong, Niu Xi 20g respectively, Ru Xiang, Mo Yao 5g respectively, Gan Cao 10g. Among which, the dosage of Xi Xin is 10-30g, but Xi Xin needs decoct first for 30 minutes, then decoct with other herbs for 20 minutes.
Treatment result: the total effective rate is 97.1%, expect a few patients have symptoms of mouth and throat dryness, no toxic reaction or side-effect was found.
Key words: using large amount of Xi Xin, treatment, Rheumatic Arthralgia
Writer: Yongwen Zheng
TCM Hospital, Gui Ping City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (537200)